May 2024 Manufacturing Update

Greetings Instafloss Community! We wanted to start off our update by reiterating how much we appreciate the support that you all give us. The encouragement and feedback keeps us going. With that in mind, we’ve been working on a new accessory based on what some of you have been saying.

There have been a few reports of the difficulty in controlling how water exits the mouth when Instaflossing. If you can’t get the trick down, it can splatter much like a typical waterflosser. We are always on the lookout for ways we can improve your experience.

Enter, the Drain:

This is a piece that can be snapped on to the mouthpiece and should help to corral the water down into your sink! Here it is in real life:

(It’s only purple because that’s the plastic we were using for our 3D printing experiments.)

This is currently a work in progress. We’re seeking feedback, so if you have a 3d printer (or a friend with one!) please download the file and check it out, let us know if this helps! Is there anything you like or don’t like about the drain, anything we can improve? We’re eager to make it better for you.

Regarding the progress on Valve 2.0: As mentioned previously we did receive a new round of samples, and we’re confident in our design. However, it has become apparent that the supplier building the spring is unable to keep the tolerance for the length of the spring within specification, and this is what led to the previous and current failures in the test batches. They are working with a new supplier for that spring to see if we can make it more consistent. The next set of samples should have a large quantity for us to test that consistency – once we establish consistency it will take about a month to begin rolling deliveries. 

With smiles, 

The Instafloss Team

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